Register Here

You can participate in Mitzvah Day as an individual or as a group.

When you register as a Group or Individual you become a Mitzvah Day Partner*.

  • Register your Project – complete the details below, and you will receive a confirmation email and Welcome Pack once your project has been registered.
  • Join a Project – if you would like to join a Project, choose from the Registered Projects and select ENQUIRE to contact the Group of the project you wish to join.
  • We have listed a few suggested organisations/charities as Project Ideas for you to contact, but feel free to research another and get in touch with any other organisation that resonates with you.
  • Contact Mitzvah Day Australia team to find out more

    Group Name

    Your Name (person submitting the Project Registration)

    Contact person for more information


    Telephone Number

    Postal Address for correspondence with the Mitzvah Day Committee

    Address Suburb State Postocde

    Select Age Group


    Select State

    Select Project Type - choose from the selection below

    Open to AllYesNo
    * Tick Yes if open to everyone
    If Yes you accept that other people can join your project, and they can send you an email requesting to join or enquire about your project. If you would like people to send to a different email address than specified above type in this box
    * Tick No if your project is confined to your own Group/Community

    Description of your proposed project


    Photography consent

    Photos taken at your Mitzvah Day event may be used by the Mitzvah Day committee for publicity and marketing purposes. If you do not want us to use any of these photos, you may opt out by ticking the boxOpt-out

    Participation Agreement
    We are delighted that you wish to be a Mitzvah Day Partner 2020.

    Our dream is to encourage people to perform Good Deeds on this one day of the year, Mitzvah Day. Our aims include instilling a sense of excitement and involvement in social action, supporting charities and building stronger communities.

    Shared Principles:
    • We support existing charities - we don't create new ones.
    • We give our time, not our money - no fundraising.
    • Our vision - to address poverty, our environment or to bring a little joy.

    To participate in Mitzvah Day 2020, as the Project organiser, we require you agree to the following:
    I agree to be responsible for the Project in terms of staffing, volunteers, costs, local logistics, health and safety requirements and adequate insurance on behalf of all volunteer participants in the Project.
    I agree to be responsible to ensure that volunteers for projects involving regular direct and unsupervised contact with children have the appropriate Working with Children checks.
    I will respect Mitzvah Day and it’s Shared Principles by using the Mitzvah Day name, logo, publicity materials and merchandise appropriately.

    * Partner is an individual, group of people or organisation, who signs up to be officially involved with Mitzvah Day and accepts the Mitzvah Day Participation Agreement.